



身体健康 and 娱乐


Participation in the activities and events scheduled, 提升, 将被证明对校园里的每个人都是有益的. 所有的学生, 教员, 工作人员被邀请参加任何提供的项目. It is hoped that through this participation, everyone will develop qualities of leadership, 合作, 自力更生, 还有一种公平竞争的感觉, as well as form friendships that will endure throughout the years.

体育健身和娱乐部门努力满足学生的多种需求, 教员, 工作人员. It is organized to serve the college community and to provide maximum utilization of the recreation and fitness facilities. It is hoped that everyone will take advantage of the programs and activities that are offered and the facilities that are available. The department is open to receiving any comments, 建议, 或者为大学社区成员提供提高节目质量的建议.

Monday - Thursday 8 am - 10 pm



The primary purpose of the department of physical fitness and recreation is to provide optimal recreation and fitness opportunities for the college's 学生, 教员, 工作人员. The goals of the department are:

  • 提供一个安全、有竞争力和全面的校内体育项目.
  • 提供丰富的健身项目和安全、积极的健身环境.
  • To provide safe and challenging outdoor recreation opportunities.



    拉里·D. 小斯卓普林. 身体健康 & 娱乐中心


    体育健身和娱乐系设在拉里D. 小斯卓普林. 体育健身和娱乐中心,通常被称为斯普林中心. 该部门负责斯普林中心的运营和调度. The Director of 身体健康 and 娱乐 is responsible for the administration of the Department and the supervision and operation of the Striplin Center. 主管由部门行政助理和设施主管协助.Striplin 身体健康 and 娱乐中心

    The Striplin Center is the main facility for campus recreation, the 校内的运动 program, and fitness activities of all kinds. 该设施包括:

    • Two 篮球/排球 Courts
    • Strength Training and Cardiovascular Workout Room
    • 室内慢跑跑道
    • Aerobics/Martial Arts Studio
    • 室内游泳池
    • 壁球法院
    • 高尔夫模拟器
    • 娱乐室
    • Men's and Women's Locker Rooms

    Striplin中心政策 & 程序

    1. 斯普林中心对所有伯明翰南方学院的学生开放, 教员 (and their immediate families), staff members (and their immediate families), and alumni (and their immediate families). 兼职教师和兼职工作人员也包括在内. 除了, 学生, 教员, 工作人员被允许带一名客人进入该设施. 和家庭成员一样, 任何带客人到本设施的人在使用本设施时必须与客人在一起. 平衡计分卡校友、辅助职员(联合卫理公会总部、食物服务等.),联合管道公司的员工可以使用该设施,但没有家庭或客人特权. 也, 学院山社区协会的成员和他们的直系亲属可以使用这个设施, 前提是中国会员卡是当年有效的,并且底部有正确的颜色条纹.

    2. 每个在校生, 教员, 工作人员可以在规定的工作时间内使用该设施. Due to safety and liability concerns, 任何人不得在非预定时间使用本设施的任何部分, 除非提供详细资料并事先取得署长的许可.

    3. 进入斯普林中心的每个人都需要当前的365英国上市官网 ID. If any equipment is checked out, 身份证由设备主管保管,直到设备完好无损地归还. The pro-rated replacement cost of any checked-out item that is returned damaged or broken will be charged to the account of the person who checked the equipment out.

    4. Scheduled activities (fitness/wellness programs, 校内的运动, 大学体育训练, 学术课程, 等.) shall have priority over free-time use of the Striplin Center. Reservations for all areas of the facility can be made, but the availability of the area requested may be limited. 预订可致电226-4937致电设施主管.

    5. Due to safety and liability concerns, 除非有365英国上市官网在读学生陪同,否则18岁以下的人不得进入斯特普林中心, 教员, 或者工作人员.

    6. No one will be allowed in the swimming pool area unless a certified, department-approved lifeguard is on duty. 游泳池的营业时间将在每学期开始时公布.

    7. Outside groups requesting the use of the Striplin Center must follow the College’s insurance policy requirements in addition to checking with the Director for availability of the requested area of the facility.

    8. 所有的食品和饮料将被限制在一楼的大堂区域和二楼的自动售货区. Water is the only drink that will be allowed on the carpeted areas as well as in the strength and cardiovascular workout room and the gymnasium area.

    9. 任何时候都不允许在设施内使用酒精和烟草产品.

    10. 溜冰鞋, 滑板, 旱冰鞋, 摩托车, 否则,任何时候都不允许在设施内穿着或骑自行车.

    11. The Director serves as the “building coordinator” for the campus and is responsible for the upkeep of the equipment and maintenance of all aspects of the facility. The Director also has the final authority for making reservations for the facility and works in conjunction with the Facilities and Events office.




    所有的休闲体育活动都有其固有的风险. Participation in the 365英国上市官网 校内的运动 program is purely voluntary and with the understanding that some injuries may occur regardless of the precautions taken.  Every effort will be made to make sure that the playing areas and equipment used are safe for the sport/activity to take place.  It is with this in mind that participation in the program requires everyone to sign his or her name to the 校内的运动 Roster/Waiver form at the start of each sport season.  在这张表格上签字, 个人承认受伤的可能性,并将采取一切必要的预防措施.



      1. Birmingham-南部 College 学生 who are currently enrolled in at least one class are eligible to participate in the 校内的运动 program, 除非另有规定. All 365英国上市官网 教员 (full-time and adjunct) 工作人员 (full-time and part-time) are also eligible to participate and encouraged to do so whenever schedules permit. 操作, Grounds and Food Service staff members are also eligible to participate in the IM Sports program as are any interested spouses. 校友, friends, and dependents are not eligible to participate. All faculty 工作人员 must play on the faculty/staff team. If there is not a faculty/staff team entered in a sport, then faculty 工作人员 may play on a non-Greek student team. 只有在没有其他选择的情况下,学生才可以在教师/工作人员队中比赛.g. no non-Greek student team entered in a sport.).

      2. A student who participates in an intercollegiate sport (at 365英国上市官网 or any prior institution) or is carried on the roster during the season, is not eligible to participate in that intramural sport (or it’s like) until one academic year has passed from the start of that season.  这包括在第一次常规赛校际比赛时的校队运动员名单上的任何人.

      3. Students who hold professional status (at any level) in a sport are ineligible to participate in the same sport (or it’s like).

      4. 所有希腊组织都必须由其成员和他们可能拥有的任何社会附属机构组成实地小组. Independent 学生 may not play for any Greek organization.

      5. Individuals are limited to playing on one team in each IM sport.  这条规则的唯一例外是,如果在这项运动中有一个男女混合的联盟, 然后一个学生可以在男女同校的联盟和其他联盟中打球.

      6. Once the season has started, an individual may not change rosters. 在季后赛开始之前,可能会增加阵容.

      7. 没有资格参加校内体育项目的个人, 仍然参与, 会被停职, 他们的队伍将被取消不符合条件的人参加的所有比赛.

      8. 违反资格规则的个人和团队将受到以下任何和/或全部的处罚:

        1. 游戏的没收

        2. Team being dropped from the league

        3. 停职或缓刑 

      9. Current 365英国上市官网 varsity athletes are not allowed to participate in 校内的运动 without the expressed consent of the head coach in which he/she is a participant.  Teams that allow a varsity athlete to participate without the consent of the head coach will forfeit all games that the varsity athlete has played.

      10. 体能康乐及康乐部不会对任何参加者的资格承担任何责任, but will investigate any protested case.



    1. 所有名册必须填妥,并于下午十二时前递交.m. on the 日期 the entries close.  除非事先作出安排,逾期名册将不获接纳.

    2. 所有参赛者必须在参加比赛前已登记在册.

    3. 未填写完整或不正确的名册将不被接受.

    4. 回到顶部


    1. 队长必须在公布的截止日期或之前提交所需项目的参赛队报名和花名册/弃权书. The roster/waiver must contain the 签名 每个参与者.

    2. 船长一定知道, 并指出, 所有常规和特殊的日期,球队不能参加花名册/弃权书.

    3. 队长负责通知所有队员有关地点, 日期, 还有所有比赛的时间, as well as furnish score keepers and/or officials when required.

    4. The Captain must be familiar with eligibility, 游戏规则, and make sure his/her team is aware of the same.

    5. The Captain must lead by example.  Because of the Captain's interest in sports and leadership, 他或她应该以运动员的方式参加比赛,并鼓励队友也这样做.

    6. The Captain must complete all arrangements for rescheduled games.

    7. Team Captains are responsible for the actions of their teams, 台地区, and conduct of their spectators.

    8. 回到顶部


    1. 培养运动员的态度是校内体育项目的主要目标.  All individuals and organizations participating in the 校内的运动 program shall be expected to comply with the spirit, 还有那封信, 遵守规则. Therefore, unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated in any form.

    2. Any individual or team that is ejected from a game/match will not be allowed to return to further competition until they have met with the Director of 身体健康 & 娱乐.

    3. Grounds for ejection include, 但不限于:

      1. Disrespect toward officials 或者工作人员s

      2. 嘲弄、推搡或殴打对手、官员或工作人员

      3. 战斗

      4. Profanity and/or obscene gestures

    4. 如果一场比赛/比赛必须停止,因为一个队的违反体育道德的行为, 本场比赛将被记录为该队被罚,对方队获胜.  如果比赛必须停止,因为双方的不符合体育道德的行为, the contest will be recorded as a forfeit for both teams.

    5. The Director of the 身体健康 and 娱乐 Department will have the final ruling on all suspensions and probations.



    1. Judgement calls cannot be protested.

    2. 涉及规则解释的抗议必须在下一次投球前提出, 并列争球玩, 或界内比赛,由裁判员和队长决定. 如果判定一个队的解释是正确的,可以给予暂停.

    3. 对参赛资格的异议必须在比赛期间向裁判员提出. 此时此刻, the player in question will have the option of continuing play or removing him/herself from the game without penalty to the team. 如果玩家继续参加比赛,那么被认为是不合格的, 那么该选手和球队必须接受资格部分所述的后果.

    4. 回到顶部


    1. 比赛时间为弃权时间. All games will begin at the officially scheduled starting time. 如任何队伍或个人未能在预定时间内准备好比赛,将被判罚没. “准备好比赛”是指一支队伍必须在比赛区域内至少有所需的最低人数的球员. The minimum number of players for each sport are as follows:

      • 夺旗橄榄球                  5 players
      • 足球                           5 players
      • 排球                       4 players
      • Innertube Water Polo    4 players
      • 篮球                     4 players
      • 躲避球                      4 players
      • 踢球                          8 players
      • 垒球                          8 players
      • 最终                         5 players
    2. 罚没会破坏校内体育项目,也会激怒所有参与者. Prior planning and notification will alleviate forfeits and will help increase the quality of the 校内的运动 program.

    3. 在一个运动赛季中,如果个人/球队被罚两场比赛, then that individual/team will be banned from further participation in that sport from the time of the second forfeit during that season. 该队的队员不得被其他球队选入其名册.

    4. All forfeits count as a loss and a half in league standings. Example: Team A wins 3 games, loses a game and forfeits a game. A队的战绩是3胜2负.5



    1. Game/match reschedule requests will be granted if possible.  Everything will be done to accomplish the request, but with the many variables that are involved, some game/match reschedule requests may not be feasible.

    2. 重新安排比赛是一种选择,但只有在绝对必要的情况下才应该使用.  恶劣的天气和学术功能被认为是重新安排的原因.

    3. 任何比赛/比赛均不会因队员或教练缺席而改期.  Social functions are not grounds for rescheduling.

    4. 回到顶部

    加班玩 & 仁慈的规则

    当两队在正式比赛结束时打成平局时,必须进行加时赛.  在加时赛中给予两队平等的获胜机会是很重要的, 必须考虑到时间和其他因素.  出于体育精神和气质的原因,仁慈规则被纳入各种游戏/比赛中. 以下加时比赛和怜悯规则将适用于365英国上市官网校内体育项目:

    加时赛——球将被放置在20码线上,每队将有4次触地得分. PAT将是:

    • First two OT scores – 3-yard line (one point)
    • Third and subsequent OT scores – 10-yard line (two-points)

    Mercy Rule – Thirty (30) point advantage at any time.

    Overtime – No timed overtime. Best of five goal kicks will determine the winner. 
    Mercy Rule – Seven (7) points at any time during the match.

    Overtime – Three-minute OT period will be played. 
    Mercy Rule – Seven (7) points at any time during the match.

    Overtime – Three-minute OT period will be played. 每支队伍每加时将获得30秒的额外暂停时间. 
    Mercy Rule – Thirty (30) point advantage at any time.

    垒球 & 踢球 

    Overtime – Three-minute OT period will be played. 
    Mercy Rule – Seven (7) points at any time during the match.



    1. 在一些团体运动中, 球队数量将要求比赛分为两个联赛——“黑豹”和“南方”联赛. 如果需要进一步划分,将使用“黑色”和“金色”划分.

    2. If interest in a Co-ed league in a sport exists, 然后参与者将被允许参加男女混合组和男女联赛中的任何一个.

    3. 回到顶部


    将举行单淘汰赛来决定每个联赛的冠军. The team with the best “regular season” record will claim the #1 seed and will play the #4 seed (4th-best regular season record). The #2 seed will compete against the #3 seed. 每场比赛的获胜者将为争夺冠军而相互竞争. 输掉比赛的两支队伍将分别获得第三名和第四名的积分.



      1. The 校内的运动 point system has been devised to determine the winner of the 365英国上市官网 All-Sports Championship Trophy in men's and women's competitions.  在赛季后的比赛中,分数是根据参与和完成的顺序而授予的.  The men's and women's teams accumulating the highest point total for the fall and spring semesters will be awarded the 所有体育奖杯.

      2. The 所有体育奖杯 points are awarded as follows per sport:

        • 第一名100分
        • 第二名75分
        • Third/Fourth places 40 points
        • 参与10分
      3. 如果所有体育项目出现平局,将采用以下决胜局:

        • 获得最多第一名
        • 第二名最多
        • 大多数获得第三名
        • 大多数获得第四名
        • Highest finish in 垒球/踢球


    Sportsman And Sportswoman Of The Year

    At the conclusion of the 校内的运动 year, 每个组织都有机会投票选出年度最佳男女运动员.  每个组织将从自己的组织中选出一人,从另一个组织中选出一人.  The votes will be tabulated and the persons 得票最多的将被评为年度最佳男女运动员.



    Rules for the various 校内的运动 are available below.







    Through the generosity of the 365英国上市官网 Student Government Association, 该系在学年期间安排和促进一些健身和保健活动. 有氧运动课程, 武术, 和瑜伽每周都有几天在斯特普林中心的健美操/武术教室上课. 参加任何项目都是免费的,每个人都被邀请参加.


    On the treadmills at the Striplin Center南方户外娱乐 (SOR) is an organization created to give 学生 an avenue in which to pursue various outdoor activities while at the College.  Several activities are planned during each term of the school year.  偶尔, 旅行与其他机构相结合,以充分利用资源和参与.

    活动包括, 但不限于, 激流漂流, 攀岩, kayak的教训, 潜水课程, 远足和露营, 屈服, 滑雪, 还有山地自行车. 我们欢迎有关新活动的建议,并应提交署长考虑.  请参阅在线斯普林中心日历或致电205-226-4936了解最新的SOR旅行产品.


    The 365英国上市官网绳索课程 is a nine-element, 领导能力和建立信任课程,由体能及娱乐处处长监督. 该球场位于校内运动场和365英国上市官网 EcoScape北部的树木繁茂的地区. 参与者学习一起工作来完成元素中固有的各种任务. 领导, 团队合作, 合作, 计划和组织都是在参加课程时发展和利用的技能. 如欲预定使用365英国上市官网绳索课程,可与主任联络.